The facts

Hunger continues to be a world-wide ​problem. While the percentages of ​people that experience hunger on a day ​to day basis is slowly shrinking, there are ​still millions of people who do not have ​the minimum amount of daily food ​needed to support life.

Hunger is a whole world problem

In 2023, it is estimated 757 million people experienced hunger. Hunger is defined as ​consuming less than 1,800 calories per day. About one in every 11 people in the world ​live in hunger.

Hunger is the cause of 45% of child death

Every 10 seconds a child dies of hunger or hunger related problems. One of ​the biggest problems is malnutrition.

99 Million children under 5 years old are underweight

Stunting is the impaired growth and development a child experiences from ​poor nutrition, infections, and under stimulation.

Rising prices will put 1.5 million more children at risk of hunger this year

Food prices are on the rise all over the world. Under investment in ​agriculture and a rising population could cause many more children to ​experience hunger this year.

Facts found at:,, and

What KE Resources is doing to help

Feeding at Gioto

Feeding the kids at school

Feeding the sponsored children

Feeding the girls at Zaburi

Gioto Dumpsite, Nakuru, Kenya

Each Saturday since April 2022, KE Resources ​feeds 1,000 meals to people who live at the ​Gioto Dumpsite. KE also hands out cabbages ​and ugali to families to help them throughout ​the week.

KE Learning Center Gioto

Every school day the children that attend KE ​Learning Center, Gioto receive two hot meals, ​breakfast and lunch. When school is on break ​they are sent home with supplies for their ​families to make meals at home.

Gioto Dumpsite, Nakuru, Kenya

Each month as part of their sponsorship every ​child receives something nutritious to take ​home. This food, along with the money, they ​receive each month helps to feed the families ​living at Gioto.

Zaburi House, Nakuru, Kenya

The girls who live at Zaburi House are given 2 ​locally-sourced meals each day plus snacks ​and tea. These girls have been sent to live at ​Zaburi House by their guardians in an effort to ​give them a better life and more stable, safe ​environment to grow in.